Settings for new mac

New MacBook Pro settings notes for High Sierra (10.13.1)

1. Short cut for switching input language

Default short cut for [Command + Space] calls Spotlight. So I changed the short cut for switching input language.

【OSX El Capitan】OSXアップグレードしたら、[Command+スペース]のショートカット割当が変わってたので自分用に変更した件 -

2. Installing Homebrew

Installing Xcode is a must. Install from AppStore (It took several hours..) After install Xcode, run following command to install command line developer tools

|| $ xcode-select --install ||<

Then, copy and paste a command from following URL to install homebrew.

macOS 用パッケージマネージャー — macOS 用パッケージマネージャー

Do not forget open to agree to the license.

To confirm whether homebrew is installed, run

|| $ brew -v Homebrew 1.4.1 ||<

3. Python

First of all, install pyenv, that is a package to manage python3

|| brew install pyenv ||<

Then, prepare shell file to save settings for python 3.X

|| $ ls -la ||< In case ".bash_profile" does not exist, run touch .bash_profile vi .bash_profile export PATH="$HOME/.pyenv/shims:$PATH" source .bash_profile echo $PATH

To install python 3.X, run

|| $ brew install python3 ||<


|| $ pyenv install -l #check available version $ pyenv install 3.6.3 # install desirable version ||<

Then switch python 2.X to 3.X

|| pyenv global 3.6.3 ||<

4. JavaScript

Java install
$ brew cask install java
$ java -version
java version "9.0.1"
$ javac -version
javac 9.0.1
Maven install
$ brew install maven
$ mvn -v

4. Atom settings